Eco-Hotel El Rey del Caribe

Welcome to Eco-Hotel El Rey del Caribe

Highlighted offers

Book 3 nights or more

Between Jan 22, 2024 / Dec 30, 2024

Book stays of 3 nights or more

and get a special discount

Book early!

Between Jan 22, 2024 / Dec 30, 2024

Book 30 days in advance

and get a discount spice


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Our rooms

Food and drinks


Elevator (s)

Luggage storage

Freshwater pool

Beach loungers

Parking lot


Maid Service


Outdoor pool

Solarium Terrace

Family plan

Transportation Apt-hotel-Apt

Barber Shop

Outdoor Jacuzzi





About us

El Rey del Caribe hotel is located in Cancun, Mexico and is known to be a cozy property that provides excellent services to its guests. The hotel is surrounded by lush green gardens, a beautiful courtyard and swimming pool, creating a serene tropical ambiance. The rooms are extremely comfortable and cozy, and are decorated in a Mexican-style with vibrant colors and hand-painted details. The decor and ambiance of the hotel create a very warm and inviting atmosphere for guests. This eco-friendly hotel features solar water heaters, waste recycling, and rainwater harvesting. You also have a chance to indulge in massage therapy and take Yoga classes on-site. Whatever activities you might like to pursue, the staff at El Rey del Caribe is very knowledgeable, friendly and always happy to help. Overall, your stay at El Rey del Caribe promises to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience rooted in the heart of Cancun's pristine beaches and Mexican culture.